Sunday 30 August 2020

The Hamburger Bun Game

 Some of the children have been enjoying buddying up with Jordy as he plays the Hamburger Game as a Math's activity. They were all having fun playing this new game.

Bubbles Fun

 Jordy joined the Sharks reading group to share their story about how to make bubbles and then they followed the instructions and tried it out to see if they worked. They made awesome bubbles and had fun seeing who could make the longest bubble.


Room 4 Class Mass

 Last Friday we went to church for our class Mass in the Day Chapel with Father Michael and some people from the parish. Our theme was we are loved by God. The children did all the Readings, prayers, offertory and singing and they did such a wonderful job. It was a very special time together.

Keeping Ourselves Safe

 Constable Gwen visited our class to talk to us about keeping ourselves safe. She made us think about what we could do if we felt uncomfortable or not sure when faced with some different situations. We learned that it is always important to tell someone we trust.

Fruit Art

 Last Friday we decided to look really closely at some different pieces of fruit. We first looked at and then sketched their shape, colour and texture. Then we made a cross sectional cut through the middle to see what they looked like on the inside before carefully sketching that. It made for some amazing art.

Celebration for Confirmation

 Today we celebrated with 14 children from our school as they were confirmed by Bishop Michael. It was a very special and joyful occasion for these children and their families.

Monday 3 August 2020

Cross Country 2020

Last Friday we had our annual school cross country over at the Rec. There was lots of great running to be seen and some superb efforts. Well done everyone.


Plaball Fun

Last week we enjoyed playing some new games with Liam and his playball coaches. We learned some new and fun games.